Monitoring deep, dark and surface web to detect exposure of your sensitive data, secret projects and initiatives, privileged users, critical systems, IT infrastructure, and more.
Monitoring and alerting of third party data breaches impacting your employees’ emails, usernames, and personally identifiable information.
Assess the risk footprint and security posture of key business relationships to get a handle on external risk introduced through your extended attack surface.

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Digital risk monitoring of key personnel with telemetry and risk metrics. VIPRecon provides broad coverage of social media, deep and dark web, as well as physical threat assessments.
Our Ransomware Response Readiness Assessment, Playbook and Table Top Exercise gives your organization the best chance to survive and recover.
Gain visibility of your digital footprint by reaching into the most active areas of the cyber underground.
Fully managed and tailored Threat Intelligence services that becomes an extension of your current security processes and provides real-time visibility on new threats.
Providing research and investigations into known threats, to save security teams time and stress during a cyber emergency.

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GroupSense offers a comprehensive package of services for assessing and responding to ransomware attacks, including negotiations with threat actors.
Actively researching and monitoring threats from vendors or third-party companies that can affect organizational security.
Monitoring for threats to elections, VIPs, and more on social media to proactively prevent or mitigate digital risk.
Focusing on the threats and risks that matter to your security processes and providing intelligence and insights to prevent or mitigate digital risk.
Taking the next step in security services, by proactively taking down phishing sites or anonymously interacting with threat actors to provide better intelligence.
Active monitoring of your brand's digital assets to protect its reputation and stop further brand abuse from targeting unsuspecting victims.

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Combining your cyber and fraud programs to effectively fight threat actors continually scamming or threatening assets within an organization.
Executives are prime targets for fraudulent activities, but with a proactive approach, any attacks or threats can be neutralized before causing any damage.
Governments, political parties and candidates must all act now to activate cyber threat intelligence services to harden their information security and get ahead of inevitable cyber threats to the election process.
5 min read

The Pharmaceutical Cybersecurity Landscape

Sep 6, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The pharmaceutical industry is a major target for cyber criminals due to the large amount of sensitive data that must be kept secure and confidential. With the rapid advancement in technology, the threats posed by these malicious actors have only increased. Companies in this sector must take proactive measures to protect themselves from cyberattacks, and it all starts with having a comprehensive security strategy. In this article, we’ll discuss the current state of cybersecurity in the pharmaceutical industry, common threats these companies face, and best practices for strengthening their cybersecurity. Ultimately, businesses should enlist the help of a third-party security partner to ensure their data remains secure. Download the Pharma Threat Brief today for mitigation strategies.

The Current State of Cybersecurity in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is no stranger to the potential risks of cyberattacks, as they often store sensitive information that can be targeted by malicious actors. As healthcare organizations continue to pursue digital transformation initiatives, the associated data is becoming a more attractive target for cybercriminals. Pharmaceutical companies are particularly vulnerable due to the sensitive information they store, such as customer data, pricing information, and intellectual property. Without the proper security measures in place, these businesses are at risk of not only losing valuable intellectual property but also exposing themselves to compliance risks.

The current state of cybersecurity in the pharmaceutical industry is one of heightened awareness due to the increasing number of threats posed by malicious actors. Companies in this sector must take proactive measures to protect their data from cyber threats and ensure their systems remain secure. With digital transformation initiatives on the rise, healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies alike must adopt comprehensive security strategies that encompass both physical and virtual assets. This means investing in reliable firewalls and access control systems as well as training staff members on how to identify and respond appropriately in case of a breach or attack. In addition to investing in technology solutions, organizations must also stay vigilant about possible insider threats such as disgruntled employees or careless users who may unknowingly expose company data through weak passwords or phishing emails.

Another key component of effective cybersecurity is staying up-to-date with changes in regulations and laws related to privacy protection so that businesses remain compliant with applicable standards at all times. For instance, recent changes have been made regarding GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which requires organizations handling EU citizens’ personal data to comply with specific guidelines concerning its use and storage; failure to comply can result in hefty fines for noncompliant firms. The same applies for PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance which requires any business dealing with payment card transactions online to meet certain security requirements; again failure to do so will incur penalties ranging from minor fines all the way up to expulsion from doing business online if deemed necessary by authorities.

Ultimately, when it comes down to protecting their data from external threats, pharmaceutical companies must proactively strengthen their cybersecurity posture by implementing robust processes as well as leveraging third-party security partners for assistance where needed. By adopting a comprehensive security strategy and enlisting help from experienced professionals whenever necessary, businesses can protect themselves from cyber threats while ensuring their data remains secure at all times

Common Cybersecurity Threats in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is increasingly facing cyber threats from malicious actors attempting to gain access to confidential data and intellectual property. In order to protect their assets, companies must take proactive steps towards strengthening their cybersecurity protocols. This includes training staff on identifying potential threats, establishing a robust security strategy, auditing third-party providers for any vulnerabilities, and updating software with the latest security patches.

Insider threats are one of the most difficult risks to manage as they come from within an organization. Companies should therefore ensure that employees are aware of best practices for protecting data and can recognize potential insider threats before it's too late. Poorly secured networks and outdated software also increase the risk of attack due to exploitable loopholes in system infrastructure; organizations should therefore be vigilant when it comes to firewall protection and ensuring that all applications are up-to-date with security updates.

Third party (or supply chain) attacks can also be extremely damaging for pharma companies given the numerous vendors associated with their operations, which may not have adequate security measures in place. It is therefore critical that businesses audit all third-party providers thoroughly prior to entering into agreements with them, so that any subsequent risks can be swiftly mitigated.

Employee training is also key for reducing cyber threats; without knowledge on how best protect confidential information or recognition of potential risks associated with activities related to their jobs (e.g., clicking on suspicious links), staff may unknowingly enable attackers. By providing regular training materials on cybersecurity best practices, organizations in this sector can help ensure that employees understand what steps they need take help protect company data from external attacks or insider threats.

In conclusion, adopting a comprehensive security strategy supported by employee education is essential if pharmaceutical businesses wish stay ahead of emerging cyber threats and protect sensitive data from malicious actors seeking unauthorized access or financial gain through exploiting vulnerable systems within an organization's network infrastructure.

Best Practices for Strengthening Cybersecurity in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is no stranger to cyber security threats. To keep sensitive data safe from malicious actors, businesses must create an effective and comprehensive strategy. This includes educating employees on cyber security protocols, setting up user access controls to limit access to confidential information, and regularly monitoring and auditing systems for potential security issues. Companies should also consider continuously scanning the deep and dark web for any existing risks.

It's important that employees are taught about cyber attacks as well as any laws or regulations related to privacy protection in order to remain compliant. User access controls can be established with two-factor authentication or by creating authorization systems based on job role. Regular system checks should be performed looking out for software vulnerabilities, unexpected changes in code, or other signs of a possible breach in security. Furthermore, continuous monitoring of the deep and dark web can help identify any new threats quickly before they become a major issue.

By following best practices such as these and having proper software patches installed, companies in the pharmaceutical industry can protect themselves from potential cyber threats while maintaining secure data storage at all times. For added precautionary measures, enlisting the assistance of a third-party security partner may prove beneficial if you require additional expertise or resources. Requesting a first recon report from your third-party partner will give you an accurate understanding of where your current cybersecurity posture stands so you can take further steps towards strengthening it even more effectively going forward.

Conclusion: Protecting Your Business From Cybersecurity Threats

Having a comprehensive security strategy in place is the best way to safeguard your business from cyber threats. This should include monitoring activity, deploying user access controls, and regularly auditing systems. Additionally, two-factor authentication and authorization systems based on job roles can help protect against unauthorized access. Training staff on identifying potential threats may also prove beneficial in preventing malicious activities. Finally, scanning the deep and dark web for malicious activity can help detect any nefarious actors before they can cause further damage.

By taking these proactive measures, companies in the pharmaceutical industry can protect their data from cyber threats and ensure that their information remains secure. With strong cybersecurity protocols in place, businesses can rest assured that their sensitive information will remain safe from malicious actors looking to exploit any vulnerabilities they may find.

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